Sunday, June 19, 2011

secrets of the morning by v.c. andrews

secrets of the morning is about a young lady named dawn. she is sent to a music school in new york by her grandmother. dawn and her roommate at the broading house becomes best friends and they share secrets. dawn told her what had happen to her as a child and then when she was returned to her rightful parents. dawn is at the music school for i guess about a year or two when this teacher came long by the name of michael sutton. he is a famous singing star. he becomes dawn's vocal teacher and they start a relationship together. they have to hide it so that way he would not get into trouble. there relationship goes on for months. until dawn wands up pregnant. once she told him she was pregnant he started acting differently towards her. then one day before christmas she learns that he has left town. her grandmother finds out that she is pregnant and sends her to go live with her great emily to have the baby secretly. so dawn gets to her great aunt's house and learns that it was not going to be a picnic. she is basicly a prison at her great aunt's house. after she has the baby her great aunt keeps her drugged. then when guy who she thought was her brother but turns out that wasnt and then started a relationship with (his name is jimmy) comes to save her. she learns that her grandmother arranged for her baby to be adopted without her knowing it. so she goes to the hotel that her family owns and learns that her grandmother had a stroke. but dawn is wanting to know where her daugther is so she goes to visit her grandmother and confronts her and her grandmother dies. but at the reading of the will she learns the family secret.

if you want to know what that family secret is go pick up the book and read it.

i give this book a 5 out of 5 stars. i just couldnt put the book down.

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